Our innovative range of blenders, slow juicers, cooking appliances & vibration plates are the best in the market at great value. They are extremely well built to last.


Optimum 9200A: Most Powerful Pro Blender 2611W


Optimum 600M Best Value Compact Slow Juicer


Optimum G2.6: Optimum Cool Design Blender


Optimum Nutriforce Extractor - Compact Blender


Evolve: Glass Jugs High Speed Vacuum Blender


Optimum 9400X: Froothie's Powerhouse


Optimum 800: Most Advanced Optimum Juicer


Froothie Evolve : Slowest Juicer In The Market


Optimum Sous Vide: Most Delicious Way to Cook


Optimum G2.3 blender: Quietest High Speed Blender


Optimum VAC2 - 2 In 1 Blender : Air Vacuum + High Speed Blending


JUlaVIEX Fastest & Healthiest Way To Juice


Vibrofit Pro X


Blending & Exercising? 2611W Blender + Best Vibration Plates


Healthiest Way? Evolve Blender + Juicer


Best? Best Optimum Blender & Juicer


Power? 2611W Blender + Top Juicer
